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2024 Cost Information for Ambulatory Surgery (Same Day)

Note: Visit our Copayment and Cost-Share Information page to view 2023 costs. 

Ambulatory surgery costs apply to same day surgery in an outpatient hospital setting or ambulatory surgery center.

  • TRICARE Select, TRICARE Young Adult Select, TRICARE Reserve Select, and TRICARE Retired Reserve annual deductibles apply.
  • TRICARE Young Adult costs are based on the sponsor's status.
  • Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) beneficiaries (service members and their family members) follow the active duty family member copayment/cost-share information, based on the TRICARE plan type.
  • The copayments below are for facility fees. There is no separate copayment for professional fees. 

A beneficiary's cost is determined by the sponsor's initial enlistment or appointment date:

  • Group A: Sponsor's enlistment or appointment date occurred prior to Jan. 1, 2018.
  • Group B: Sponsor's enlistment or appointment date occurred on or after Jan. 1, 2018.

Note: Cost-shares are a percentage of the contracted rate for network providers and the maximum TRICARE allowable for non-network providers on certain types of services.

TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Prime Remote (not including TRICARE Young Adult

Active Duty Family Members Retirees and Their Family Members

Group A: $0

Group B: $0

Group A: $75

Group B: $75

TRICARE Select (not including TRICARE Young Adult)

Active Duty Family Members Retirees and Their Family Members

Group A:

Network Provider: $25
Non-Network Provider: $25

Group B: 

Network Provider: $31
Non-Network Provider: 20%

Group A:

Network Provider: 20%
Non-Network Provider: 25%

Group B:

Network Provider: $119
Non-Network Provider: 25%

TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) and TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR)

Network Provider: $31
Non-Network Provider: 20%
Network Provider: $119
Non-Network Provider: 25%


TRICARE Young Adult (TYA)

TYA Prime TYA Select
Active Duty Family Members Retiree Family Members Active Duty Family Members Retiree Family Members
$0 $75 Network Provider: $31
Non-Network Provider: 20%
Network Provider: $119
Non-Network Provider: 25%